Project title:
The purpose of the baseline study is to determine quantitatively and qualitatively the current situation in relation to the main elements of the projects (Vocational Training and Livelihood Opportunities, improve capacity of the TVET sector to deliver demand-driven skills) amongst the target beneficiaries in 2 townships for GIZ funded project (7 locations) and 3 townships for a LIFT funded project (50 locations) in Rakhine State.
The survey will establish the baseline for the project´s key indicators (please see methodology section for more information), and constitute the basis to measure the project performance. Even though the baseline assessment is intended primarily to facilitate the project monitoring and evaluation, it will also be used as an evidence-based lobbying and advocacy tool (with the possibility of publishing a summary of the findings). More specifically, the baseline assessment is expected to enable logical and strategic project design, accurate targeting, and the ability to quantifiably measure and attribute impact.