Synergia promotes tourism development within the highest international environmental standards and with respect for local communities and their traditions. Our company ensures a participatory approach and raising awareness among communities about safeguarding economic benefits as well as sustainable management of natural resources, promoting eco-solutions and ethnic communities, their rights and opportunities. Synergia executes Tourism Development services in partnership with associates and partners, such as ecoplan:net with the excellent experience and top expertise in the following areas:
- Capacity building at the national, district and local (destination) levels supporting development of policies, strategies and legislation for integrated natural resources and cultural heritage management, providing training to the civil servants and tourism workers with the focus on building capacity of senior and middle – level managers;
- Development of Sustainable Tourism Strategies supporting quadruple bottom-line procedures and practises including environmental protection and enhancement, social enrichment, responsible economic growth and carbon emission reduction;
- Development of income generating activities in Tourism Sector, securing economic benefits for local people, by inclusion in supply chain, human development, providing tourism education, including vocational training, creating employment and preventing revenue leakage;
- Development of Ecotourism Business Plan: feasibility analysis, design, construction, operations, indicating tour and marketing criteria that would ensure a sustainable tourism eco-operation and will become basis for establishing standards for Certification Programme, preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment;
- Development and Assessment of Grading + Certification Programmes & Standards for Quality Assurance, Sustainable & Accessible Tourism, Design and Implementation of the Classification System for Tourism Establishments, design and delivery of the professional assessor programme;
- Establishing New Destinations, positioning them on the international marker, promote eco and community-based tourism, by training indigenous entrepreneurs to provide tourism, hospitality and transport services to meet the increasing demand;
- Advisory Services on Accommodation such as Ecolodge Development – advising investors and developers on environmentally responsible solutions – design, constructions and operations / Building Sustainable and Eco Tourism Capacity;
- Coastal and Small Island Planning: Planning and Development Projects (Red Sea), Small Island Tourism (Award winning sustainable coastal tourism policies (eg. Tubbahata Reef) / Planning of international destinations, Coastal Resorts: Feasibility Studies and Business Plans for investors and indigenous communities;
- Integrating Environmental Policies: promoting of the business conducted within environmentally sustainable values and procedures, where profit and environmental responsibility can cooperate for both resource sustainability and financial viability. Envisioning sustainability challenge as protecting biodiversity while contributing to the economic well-being of the communities we implement projects for;
- National Parks and Protected Areas Management / Site Development Plans / Visual Impact Analysis and Resource Assessment / Ecotourism Product Development / Protected Areas Capacity Building Workshops;
- Streamline licensing and rating formalities for hotels, restaurants, tour operators and tour guides makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, to the preservation of the world’s diversity – there is only one guide training and licensing centre in the country (they should be opened in all major tourism enclaves), introducing rating systems to improve quality of services;