Project title:
The main purpose of this evaluation was to generate substantial knowledge and learning on the results of WASH programme funded by UNICEF to influence the government’s policies, strategies and funding priorities in order to improve water, sanitation and hygiene situation in Lao PDR.
UNICEF has been working alongside the GoL particularly with the Nam Saat and MoES, towards the WASH programme outputs encompassing Policy, Planning and Monitoring for WASH, and in turn to the programme objective: By 2015 children’s health and development will benefit from equitable and sustainable access to, and use of, safe water and basic sanitation, with emphasis on reaching rural remote areas. The programme started in 2012 and is planned to end in 2017.
There was a need to gain more insight on the WASH programme since no review or evaluation has been carried out in after the Mid-term Review of Country Programme Cycle (2013). The findings have also been used to inform the WASH programme plan for the next country programme cycle (2017-2021) of cooperation between the Government of Lao PDR and UNICEF.
The evaluation has been based on a through desk review complemented with discussions and interviews held in a given sample of 12 villages, with beneficiaries, implementing partners, and other stakeholders involved or with an interest in the programme such as potential partners and donors.