Project title:
Final evaluation of “Upscaling Improved Cookstove Dissemination in Myanmar through replication of best practices from Cambodia and the region” (SCALE), has the aim to
To assess the project using the standard five DAC evaluation criteria relevance, effectiveness, efficiency impact and sustainability.
To assess the EU added value of the project, both regarding its design and implementation
To assess the coherence of the project itself, with the EU strategy in Myanmar and EU development policy objectives and the extent to which it complements Myanmar’s policies and other donors’ interventions
The evaluation was conducted using the five DAC standard evaluation criteria; relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The objective of the evaluation was to assess the EU added value of the project, both regarding its design and implementation and to assess the coherence of the project itself, with the EU strategy in Myanmar and EU development policy objectives and the extent to which it complements Myanmar policies and other donors’ interventions.